Fields marked with ** are REQUIRED.
Price: $3,626
Price: $5,138
Price: $4,745
Price: $6,961
Price: $2,205
Price: $3,835
Price: $3,355
Price: $5,999
Initial software included. Price includes installation, remote training, and full technical support.
There will be a recurring Annual CLEW Software Support fee of $550.
By submitting this form you are requesting an invoice for the above Requested Livescan FBI Enhanced Workstation with the selected option(s) above.
Once your submission is received, a PSC Representative will contact you to confirm the order and give you a final price with shipping costs included. Your payment options will also be discussed with you. We will also confirm that you have an established ORI number with the FBI. Once payment is received, your system will be shipped within 10-30 business days, depending on the selected package and availability from manufacturer. Our Livescan FBI Enhanced Workstations are operational the SAME DAY you open the box. Just open; call us; we will activate and remotely set-up your system. Thank you for your interest in our LiveScan Electronic Fingerprinting Products.
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